The first virtual meeting under the Innovative schools adapted to the digital society for improving technological educational skills (ISTEDU) initiative was held in January of this year. It is an Erasmus+ project, funded by the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education, with the aim of adapting educational skills in schools to new technologies.
The project is coordinated by the IES Mediterráneo secondary school in Salobreña (Spain), which has partnered up with AIJU, in its role as technology centre, and three other schools from Europe:
• Istanbul (Turkey): Sultantepe Ortaokulu
• Bucharest (Romania): Maria Rosetti
• Frascati (Italy): Maffeo Pantaleoni
At this first meeting, each member of the project delivered a presentation and discussed the results and outcomes to be achieved over the coming two years. A date was also set for the first teacher-specific learning event, which took place in early February. At this first virtual learning meeting, AIJU explained to the teachers how to use and apply different Visual Thinking tools so that they can implement it in their classes. The training course, titled Visual Thinking & Spatial Intelligence, marks the start of the first intellectual output of the project.
The aim of the project is to integrate new educational technological tools and skills at the various schools taking part. AIJU will rely on its wealth of experience in the use and development of new technologies to stage learning activities on how to use these types of tool.
For more information: Bárbara Seguí Navarro –