Tailored “in-company” training for companies
Contact us and we will help you plan and carry out the in-company training your company needs. We can integrate your proposal into our schedule of open courses which students from different companies or backgrounds can attend, or we can develop a tailor-made training solution for you, completely adapted to your needs.
We design and teach personalised courses according to whatever speciality, content, area or level the workers need, and in accordance with their role within the company. Personalised training is usually taught in the facilities of the company that requests it, and it completely adapts to their needs (timetables, levels, teachers, training location).
AIJU does not offer “tailor-made” training on items covered by the ENAC Scope of Accreditation as an inspection entity.

Benefits of AIJU’s In-Company training for companies
- Tailor-made training allows for a completely personalised attention and approach, avoiding workers having to travel with the subsequent loss of time that this can entail.
- Because they can be held on the company’s own premises, training activities can be carried out in the employees’ daily working environment and with the machinery or documents the company usually uses.
- Through this type of training, the concepts learnt are immediately applied in the workplace, because its contents are specifically designed to meet the needs expressed by the company.
- It can specifically address the contents your company needs, and adapt to the level and circumstances of your workers
- It can be specifically addressed to the workers your company designates
- Its duration can be extended if your company deems it necessary.
- The company itself can designate the teacher, seeking in each case the expertise your company needs.
- Budgets are completely personalised and adaptable to your company.
- This training can be subsidised, so it can end up being free of cost for the company once the rebate has been applied.
- Each year, students give AIJU’s training activities an annual score of around 8.5 points out of 10. This high score confirms how satisfied our clients are with the training they receive, and it also confirms a real improvement in the formation of these people within their professional environment. Our best guarantee is our clients and students.
Personalised courses for companies located in Alicante and the surrounding area
AIJU offers personalised training solutions for companies located throughout the national territory and also overseas, although due to geographical proximity it most frequently provides personalised training for companies located in the province of Alicante and the surrounding area, given that its headquarters are located in the town of Ibi, in the province of Alicante.
Tailor-made courses are the ones that AIJU most frequently provides to companies in the province of Alicante and the surrounding area. These are usually related with the following subjects.

Our best guarantee is our clients and students. Each year, more than 2000 students visit our classrooms, students who let us have their opinion of the course, through a questionnaire, once they have finished each training activity. AIJU’s training activities receive an annual score of around 8.5 points out of 10. This high score confirms how satisfied our students and companies are with our training activity, and it also confirms a real improvement in the formation of these people within their professional environment.
AIJU has more than 40 highly specialised technicians on hand to provide a large number of tailor-made training activities and it also has a database of highly trained and experienced external teachers. Ask us about any training your company might need. If we cannot provide it at AIJU, we will seek the best experts to ensure that your team is trained in everything that can help you grow and improve the quality of your processes and services.
Tailor-made training can be rebated, so it can end up being free of cost for your company. Ask us about possible activities without any commitment, we are here to help.
An annual credit is available to companies for employee training. They can access this credit via rebates in their Social Security payments, once the training activities have been carried out (Law 30/2015 of 9th September and RD 694/2017 of 3rd July). The State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE) is the body responsible for managing and controlling these aid programmes (www.fundae.es).