
Industrial Environment R&D

The aim of this AIJU line of research is to continue to develop different actions that make it possible to evaluate different fractions of industrial waste that are generated during the production processes of companies in the sector and in the industrial fabric of the area and which are currently being dumped in safety landfills.

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Development of moulds and inserts for thermoplastic transformation processes using additive manufacturing technologies – MOLDPRINT

The general objective of the Moldprint project is to develop moulds or inserts using additive manufacturing technologies and materials for the transformation of thermoplastic materials through processes that involve the injection, thermoforming and blowing of plastic parts.

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Research and development in flexible electronics applied to large-surface pressure sensors and push buttons – FLEXENS

The intention of the project is to carry out research into flexible electronics and their integration into plastic materials that can result in innovative products that meet the needs and interests of the market.

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New flexible formulations with bio-based plasticisers for rotational moulding – FLEXIROT

The goal of the FLEXIROT2 project is to develop and validate new flexible formulations for rotomoulding by incorporating plasticisers produced from vegetable raw materials such as natural oils. On the one hand, we will develop new polyvinyl chloride (PVC) formulations containing natural oils. On the other hand, we will prepare mixtures of polyethylene with natural fibres, also incorporating these oils.

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R&D line on restricted substances in children’s products

Safety requirements for children's products are basically divided into two fundamental aspects: Mechanical-physical, and labelling and chemical requirements.

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Development of methodologies for the evaluation of free and inclusive play areas – PARK RISK

Designing play areas that are both safe for and attractive to children requires participatory and multidisciplinary processes that are yielding increasingly innovative proposals whose evaluation is more and more complex, taking into account the risk they represent versus the benefits they offer to children.

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Low-cost robotic developments for manufacturing sectors – MANUBOT

The main objective of this project is to develop low-cost robots for use in the automation of manufacturing processes in the toy sector, dedicated to the manufacture of thermoformed plastic parts by means of blowing and/or rotomoulding processes, or in other similar sectors.

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R&D Line New Materials in Additive Manufacturing

As a consequence of the current state of the markets, manufacturing companies are increasingly demanding the development of products or parts with innovative functionalities and/or properties such as the incorporation of natural additives and fillers, biodegradable and/or environmentally sustainable materials, and the addition of fillers to obtain conductive materials, among others. Metallic materials have also been used.

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Development of a high performance, high pressure and low cost PEM electrolyser for hydrogen supply – SMARTH2PEM

The objective of the SMARTH2PEM project is to develop a low power (1KW) and, from the cost point of view, competitive PEM electrolyser able to generate highly pure (99.99%) hydrogen at high pressure (>15 Bar). The aim of this project is to contribute to the establishment of the hydrogen economy.

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