Area: 2020

Advanced production of biodiesel from animal waste using supercritical technology – LIFE Superbiodiesel
In Europe more than 17 million tons of animal by-products (SANDACH) are processed, which produces 2.85 million tons of animal fat. Part of this animal fat processed in Europe is just disposed of in rubbish tips or it is incinerated.
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Business models in the context of the circular economy: videos on real cases.
The circular business models have aroused great interest recently. Although their benefits are remarkable, the process involved in a transition to a circular business model is, for many entrepreneurs and companies, a changeover that entails a lot of uncertainty. Some of the most common questions asked are related to the resulting implications of the final business model, what skills and knowledge we need, how our value chain partners will respond, how long, how much effort and money will be required.
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R&D on restricted substances in children’s products
Read More... from R&D on restricted substances in children’s products
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Immersive technologies R&D
The main objective is to carry out R&D tests on the new emerging technologies, in order to assess their applicability in the sectoral environment.
To this end, a technological observatory has been working throughout the year, analysing trends and new technologies. We also attended specialised fairs.

Additive Manufacturing R&D
Additive manufacturing is constantly evolving, searching for new materials that make it possible to bring additive manufacturing closer to a final part or that confers new properties on that part.
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R&D Methodologies for the assessment of playgrounds
Designing safe playgrounds that are also attractive for children requires participative and multidisciplinary processes that are increasingly offering more innovative proposals that are in turn much harder to assess insofar as their risk versus their benefit to children is concerned.
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R&D in advanced energy technologies
The main challenges facing our current energy systems, and therefore our current energy technologies, are clearly defined by the policies set forth by such bodies as the European Commission. The following priority objectives were set for 2020:
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%.
- Reduce energy consumption by 20%.
- Increase the contribution of renewable energies to the energy mix up to at least 20%.