Tests on packaging in other sectors
The absence of specific and harmonised requirements for packaging in sectors other than the food sector, such as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals, causes significant damage to the sector. However, the similarity of these products to food means that many customers choose to adopt the same legislative requirements as those applicable to food contact materials.
From a safety point of view, it is important to carry out the necessary migrations to ensure that no components are transferred from the packaging to the cosmetic or pharmaceutical product.
Description of services in tests on packaging for other sectors
The services we offer are:
- Overall migration tests
- Specific migration tests
- Analysis of unintentionally added substances (NIAS)
- Tests on the resistance of packaging to chemical products
- Total metal content tests
Benefits of testing packaging for other sectors
Carrying out the different packaging tests gives customers peace of mind by offering them a packaging that is adapted to the products and in compliance with applicable legislation.
How we do test packaging for other sectors
Safety requirements for packaging are not defined other than in the field of food contact materials (with the current limitations, given the absence of harmonisation with certain materials). Since these requirements affect both consumer safety and the environment, and in the absence of specific legislation, we carry out a customised study tailored to the needs of our customers.
In AIJU we know what requirements apply to your product, and how to tackle them, and we provide you with the certifications that guarantee the validity of the numerous analyses we carry out each year.
Confidence in tests on packaging for other sectors
- We have more than 30 years’ experience in the sector. The continuous training of the team, as well as its constant updating in legislative matters generates the necessary confidence among our customers.
- Apart from our human team, we have the most modern analysis techniques which allow for more selective determinations and concentration limits in line with legislative requirements.
- Our laboratory has its own line of research, within the framework of food contact materials, dedicated to the development of test methods that allow manufacturers to verify their products. The research includes control of NIAS (substances not intentionally added).