Tests on containers and packaging

The European Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste, establishes a limitation with regard to the maximum content of certain metals in the materials that form part of the packaging.

The analytical verification of metal content allows a manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with this requirement which applies to all manner of packaging regardless of its nature (cardboard, plastic, paper, metal …).

Description of container and packaging services

The services we offer are:

  •  Determination of total Pb, Cd, Cr (VI) and Hg content
  •  Verification of Cr (VI) content

Benefits of testing containers and packaging

Generate trust in your products
We certify the validity of the analyses we perform
Ensure you comply with current legislation

Not only does verification of compliance with the metal content of all containers and packaging ensure that a manufacturer can have the confidence it needs to have in its suppliers, it also bestows the peace of mind that comes with being in compliance with European Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste. This analysis is in high demand not only in the toy sector but also in that of other consumer products which, although not related to consumer safety is however related through the protection of the environment.

How we test containers and packaging

When we receive a sample, we establish the different materials that go to make up the container (usually cardboard and plastic) and we apply sample preparation techniques to guarantee the subsequent analysis.

Currently, the identification and quantification of metals in our chemical laboratory is reliably carried out using ICP (inductively coupled plasma) techniques with optical detection (emission spectroscopy) or mass spectrometry (depending on the abundance of atomic mass). During the process, we determine the total amount of metals, and whenever necessary, chromium is determined as total chromium by analysing the species of Cr (VI). Our chemical laboratory has extensive experience in the analysis of this toxic species.

A test report on compliance with the metals content of Directive 94/62/EC allows our customers to meet the obligations that are required by different business activities.

Confidence in conducting container and packaging tests

From the outset, our chemical laboratory has amassed extensive experience in the analysis of metals. As the different analytical techniques have developed, the chemical laboratory has incorporated them into its processes, making analytical techniques more competitive not only in terms of process automation but also in relation to speciation and the attainment of ever lower detection limits. The thousands of test reports that we have issued vouch for the laboratory’s know-how in this field.

Mª Dolores Javaloyes / Mª Carmen Pastor
Tests on containers and packaging
+34 96 555 44 75