risk of counterfeiting in consumer goods


European CounterRisk project “New skills to face the risks of counterfeiting in consumer goods”




Counterfeit products are harmful to both companies’ economy and consumers’ health. In the case of children’s products, counterfeiting seriously impair health of the most vulnerable consumers, children. The EUIPO’s “Qualitative Study on Risks Posed by Counterfeits to Consumers. 2019” study found that the 80% of the unsafe and counterfeit products can pose serious risks to consumers’ health.


Hence the origin of the CounterRisk “New skills to face the risks of counterfeiting in consumer goods” European project led by AIJU that aims to develop innovative training tools approaching the protection of intellectual property, the safety in products for children and the way new technologies, such as blockchain, might help to fight against counterfeiting concerning consumer goods for children.



The project is mainly aimed to professionals of children’s products sector, especially SMEs and technical staff from consumer organisations, since they are a key community that reach people who purchase consumer goods for children, either on-line or in physical stores.


The aim of the CounterRisk Project is to help improve the competences of professionals in this field and to build awareness of the economic and health risks that counterfeiting pose to society.



Two types of intellectual products will result from this project:

  1. NOOC (nano online open course), which will include contents designed specifically for staff in consumer organisations and any other entity that take part in the awareness and training of consumers.
  2. NOOC aimed at companies, especially SMEs, of children’s products sector


The NOOCs will integrate case studies with augmented reality and gamification elements, using tokens during the learning process. Once the NOOC is finished, the user might self-evaluate the skill level achieved by completing a test and then a diploma will be available to download by using blockchain, as a real example of the utility of this technology.

The learning tool will be adaptable to the students needs, and the course can be followed either structurally or by selecting the contents that they find more interesting. The lessons will be designed as small training pills available in different formats (video, questionnaries, texts, etc.) that can be used independently.

The intellectual products will be available in English, Spanish, French, Czech and Portuguese, free of charge in the website of the project www.counterrisk.eu and in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform + https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects_en

The CounterRisk Project is carried out by a European partnership led by AIJU (Spain), in partnership with the Université de Strasbourg (France), Lucentia-Lab (Spain), Associação para a Promoção da Segurança Infantil (Portugal) and the Association for Toy and Play (the Czech Republic).


The project is also supported by the Maastricht European Private Law Institute (M-EPLI); the European consumer voice in standardisation (ANEC), Alicante Science Park, European Association for Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (EUROSAFE) and the Cluster of Innovative Companies of the Valle del Juguete-CEIV.


  • Starting date: 01-12-20
  • Life of the project: 28 month
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Funding: European Commission. Project No 2020-1-ESo1-KA202-082569
  • Call: ERASMUS+ 2020 Strategic Partnerships
  • Contact: María Cruz Arenas
  • Email of the contactproyectosseguridad@aiju.es
  • Website: www.counterrisk.eu

Partnership: AIJU (España), Université de Strasbourg (Francia), Association for Toy and Play (República Checa), Lucentia-Lab S.L (España), Associação para a Promoção da Segurança Infantil (Portugal).


This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. Responsibility for this publication (communication) lies only with the author. The Commission is not responsible for the foreseeable use of the information hereby included.