Development and improvement of biomaterials for single-use consumer products – BECOMING GREEN
Due to EU waste legislation, interest in their use in single-use consumer products has increased. This new legislation acknowledges that biological raw materials for plastic packaging contribute to more efficient waste management, and help to reduce the impact of plastic packaging on the environment.
Despite this strong interest, today biodegradable plastics do not yet provide the performance of traditional plastic, which is why depending on the application and requirements needed by the final product, it is possible that conventional plastic cannot be replaced by degradable plastic.
The objective of this project is to develop and improve some of the properties found in existing biodegradable materials in the market, in order to adapt to the quality and safety requirements for consumer products belonging to the toy, packaging and furniture sectors, all of which are deeply rooted in the Community of Valencia.
The project therefore intends to address the improvement of the performance of biodegradable polymers, through three lines of action:
- Improving their mechanical properties: reducing the fragility of biodegradable materials.
- Increasing their thermal stability to allow them to be used in applications that require a certain usage temperature.
We intend to offer the aforementioned sectors the possibility of replacing the conventional materials they are currently using with biodegradable materials.
- File no.: IMDEEA/2019/68
- Starting date: 01-01-2019
- Duration: 18 months
- Status: Work in progress
- Name: Asunción Martínez
- Telephone:+34 96 555 44 75
- e-mail:
This project is subsidised by IVACE, the Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness of the Regional Government of Valencia, 50% co-financed through the FEDER Operational Programme of the Valencian Community 2014-2020.