Inteligencia artificial para el desarrollo de juguetes innovadores – (AI4TOYS)







Companies are currently working to bring to the market a catalogue of products that adapts to the needs of the user and that allows them to successfully position themselves on the market. Specifically, as far as companies in the toy sector are concerned, innovation and the creation of new products are fundamental. From the very first months of their lives, the new generations are used to coexisting with electronic devices (Tablets, Smartphones, PCs…), and this is why companies need new tools that make it possible to merge traditional toys with the digital world, creating a toy that is up-to-date, revalued and adapted to these new times. An evolution of the traditional toy that provides the user and more specifically the child target, with higher levels of motivation and attraction.

In this line, AIJU initiated a line of projects four years ago which precisely try to support the traditional toy sector during its transition to and integration into the digital world. The API4TOYS project was the first one to place importance on the possibility of incorporating electronic components and low-cost sensors, developing a specific communication API, so that a child can handle a traditional physical toy that is connected to a videogame that receives the actions of the child. As a result of this development, the CLOUD4TOYS project was born in 2017, in which a CLOUD structure was defined and implemented in 10 demonstrators. This project facilitates the transition of real traditional toys into the digital world.

During 2018, the CYBERCLOUD4TOYS project reinforced the architecture of API4TOYS and CLOUD4TOYS, implementing stricter security and information privacy protocols for both users and companies. This architecture was endowed with a series of tools and services that reinforce protection and security, preventing possible vulnerabilities and access to the data by third parties.

Therefore, AIJU is continuing its line of research and innovation in the toy sector, and during this year it intends to include Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the development of innovative toys in the sector.

Artificial Intelligence can bring a true revolution both to toys and to their manufacturing processes. It can provide the same advantages as a videogame, but with the incentive of their being real toys, physical toys with which children can interact.

Consequently, AI allows a toy to know when and how it must behave thanks to its integrated sensors, and it also allows a toy to be trained through automatic learning, thereby improving the user experience.

  • Starting date: 01/01/2019
  • Duration: 12 MONTHS
  • Status: Work in progress 



This project is subsidised by IVACE, the Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness of the Regional Government of Valencia, 50% co-financed through the FEDER Operational Programme of the Valencian Community 2014-2020.
