Tests on promotions involving food
Promotional items, especially those destined to children, must comply with Directive 2009/48/EC on Toy Safety, and Regulation No. 1935/2004, when supplied with food.
At AIJU, we help you identify the specific applicable requirements by providing you with a comprehensive service designed to verify compliance. All sorts of different materials may form part of these promotions: plastic, paper, cardboard… which implies the use of different regulations.

Description of services in tests on promotions involving food
The services we offer are:
- Safety tests according to product (See tests)
- Tests to determine restricted substances according to product (See tests)
- Tests of materials in contact with food (See tests)
Benefits of conducting tests on promotions involving food

- Conducting trials at our facilities on promotions that come into contact with food will provide you with an important competitive advantage that will help you build confidence in your products and your brand, not to mention ensuring the peace of mind of your business. In addition, it will allow you to ensure that your promotions comply with current legislation, thus avoiding penalties and product withdrawal. Finally, and most importantly, we help you prevent accidents arising from the lack of safety of the promotional item.
- We know what requirements apply to your product, and how to tackle them, and we provide you with the certifications that guarantee the validity of the numerous analyses we carry out each year. We offer a comprehensive service which allows us to indicate with precision which analytics you should address to guarantee a safe use of the product.
- Checking the safety of your product is essential to avoid later problems.
How we do perform tests on promotions involving food
We have facilities of more than 2000 square meters in which we carry out tests that are applicable to promotions in contact with food.
Our technical staff has a long track record and experience (more than 30 years) guaranteeing a global vision and the best approach for the testing of your promotions, with contrasted criteria.
The tests are also ENAC accredited, which facilitates the acceptance of the reports throughout Europe.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that the proposed analyses fully meet their needs.
We have a laboratory equipped with the most sophisticated sample preparation and analysis techniques which allows us to cover a wide range of chemical determinations. Our staff is in direct contact not only with customers, but with the latest developments in the market which allows us to fully assess the products.
When you contact us to check your promotions, our group of regulatory and legislative experts proposes the analysis you should carry out. This team will inform you about the requirements that apply to your product and how best to go about testing it.
Regulations such as REACH, those that apply to materials in contact with food, cosmetics, directives such as toy safety, electrical appliances, containers and packaging, among many others, are carefully analysed and continuously updated in order to offer the most complete and rapid tailor-made service to the customer.
Confidence in conducting trials in food contact promotions
- Our technical staff has more than 30 years’ experience in the sector. The continuous training of the team, as well as its constant updating in legislative matters generates the necessary confidence among our customers.
- Apart from our human team, we have the most modern analysis techniques which allow for more selective determinations and concentration limits in line with legislative requirements.
- Our stringent standards mean that we continually strive for excellence in our work, by improving the processes that make our response meet the needs of our customers. This aspect is fundamental with promotions, as the action must be as fast and complete as possible.