Tests on large childcare articles
Large childcare articles are widely used children’s products with various functions:
- To take babies and toddlers for a walk (pushchairs, baby carriers)
- To keep them seated while feeding or at home (table mounted chairs, reclined cradles)
- To keep the baby inside for longer periods of time and even without supervision (cots, playpens,cribs).
- To offer a level of security in the home (safety barriers, changing units), etc.
In these products it is critical to carry out laboratory tests to guarantee the safety of the product both in terms of its design and s strenght, and the absence of toxic and harmful substances.
We perform safety tests on large childcare articles, following European and international regulations, as well as applicable legislations (REACH, food contact, etc…).

Services relating to the testing of large childcare articles
We perform physical-mechanical, chemical and product information safety tests on all large childcare articles and are accredited by ENAC for most of these tests:
- Tests on cots and folding cots according to European standard EN 716.
- Tests on cribs according to European standard EN 1130.
- Tests on mattresses for cots and cribs according to European standard EN 16890.
- Tests on high chairs for children according to European standard EN 14988.
- Tests on prams and pushchairs according to European standard EN 1888.
- Tests on carry cots and stands according to European standard EN 1466.
- Tests on reclined cradles according to European standard EN 12790.
- Tests on chair mounted seats EN 16120.
- Tests on high chairs according to European standard EN 1272.
- Tests on baby walking frames according to European standard EN 1273.
- Tests on safety barriers according to European standard EN 1930.
- Tests on changing units according to European standard EN 12221.
- Tests on playpens for domestic use according to European standard EN 12227.
- Tests on harnesses, children’s reins, etc. according to European standard EN 13210.
- Tests on baby bouncers according to European standard EN 14036.
- Tests on baby carriers according to European standard EN 13209.
- Tests on infant swings according to European standard EN 16232.
- Tests on slings according to CEN/TR 16512.
- Tests on bathing aids in accordance with EN 17022.
- Tests on bath tubs, stands and non-standalone bathing aids in accordance with EN 17072.
Benefits that guarantee safety in large childcare articles

Large childcare products are articles intended for babies and children up to 4 years of age. Because their users are very vulnerable and not yet aware of any hazards, these products are subject to extensive market surveillance controls (consumer inspections, SOIVRE).
Having our professionals carry out safety tests on large childcare articles implies the acceptance of the products as our laboratory is accredited by the ENAC and recognised by the market surveillance authorities.
Therefore, compliance with safety standards presupposes that the article is safe and compliant with General Safety Directive 2001/95/EC.
Our technical staff participate in various standardisation committees, so we have the criteria and the latest updates. In the case of large childcare articles, we participate in the following working groups:
- CEN /TC 252 WG 1 “Seating and body care”: Working group on seating articles and body care.
- CEN /TC 252 WG 3 “Wheeled transportation”: Working group on wheeled transportation.
- CEN /TC 252 WG 6 “General and common safety specifications” Working group in which the general requirements for child care standards are drawn up.
- CEN /TC 207 WG 2 “Requirements for children’s and nursery products”: Working Group on children’s furniture.
- CEN /PC 364 ‘High chairs’: working group on high chairs for children.
How we carry out tests on large childcare articles
To carry out tests on large childcare articles, we have sound-proof and anti-vibration rooms in which the heavy equipment is located: fatigue benches for the application of dynamic loads, test equipment for pushchairs – testing on irregular surfaces and handlebars – and other fatigue equipment to perform static and dynamic strength tests.
Physical-mechanical testing of large childcare articles
Physical-mechanical safety tests simulate the conditions of continued use of the products, applying additional safety margins, and are performed to ensure that the products will be safe throughout their useful life. Depending on the type of product, we carry out dimensional tests, stability tests, structural strenght tests, etc.
We also check that the product and labelling information that accompanies these items contains all the information that is required to use the product safely.
Chemical Tests on large childcare articles
In chemical tests, we determine that childcare articles are free of toxic substances that can be harmful to infants and young children.
AIJU laboratory equipment required to perform safety tests on large childcare articles: climatic chambers, test gauges, small parts cylinder, universal tensile machines, custom developed test equipment, gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID), liquid chromatography (LC-QTOF, HPLC-DAD and fluorescence), optical emission spectrophotometry (ICP-OES, ICP-MS), ultraviolet-visible spectrometry, etc.

Proven experience in large childcare tests
We have more than 30 years of experience in carrying out safety tests on large childcare articles. We are the first laboratory to be accredited by ENAC to carry out tests on large childcare articles.
In addition, our technical staff participates in the technical standardisation committees that are responsible for drafting, revising and updating these standards.