The main objective of this project is to develop  controlled algorithms which allow the recognition of superficies and/or trajectories in  a form that allow automatize superficial treatment process which implicate a tedious work for the operators like an excessive consummation of labour force.

The other expected objective is the integration of machines, advanced tools and/or robots in the industry in general, and particularly in the toys sector, to hedge the necessities of manufactured high quality products with short period between the design and the launch, maintaining a sustainable cost. This implicates the necessity to reduce as much as possible the adaptation period or to adjust different machines that participate in the production. To obtain this proposition we have created a robot system able to accommodate In a dynamic way to the different needs, according to the process that we wish to realise at any time.

During the development of the project, AIJU have realised the analysis of different used processes for the surface finish and which are used manually in the production of blow moulded parts because of the complexity that supposes the implementation of automation of those processes.

After having realised the analysis of the different systems, we have selected the deburring with sanding processes and we have successfully implemented a pilot plant to the deburring of plastic pieces manufactured with blow moulding processes. Furthermore, we have developed a control software for the robotic cell using the modular programming under the development environment WORKVISUAL, which allows generating trajectories to realise deburring work on pieces.

Sectores de aplicación:

  • Procesos industriales


  • Materiales cerámicos
  • Tecnologías cerámicas
  • Tecnologías energéticas

