Open platform for therapeutic leisure for the prevention and rehabilitation of neurodegenerative diseases – PREVENTEC












The objective of the PREVENTEC project is to develop and implement a platform for prevention, tele-assistance and tele-rehabilitation, aimed at patients with neurodegenerative diseases and their family circle, in order to provide them with comprehensive and interdisciplinary care, as well as to promote a virtual community in which they can expand their environment by putting the different socio-health professionals involved, other users, caregivers, friends and family members in contact with one other.

PREVENTEC will facilitate the promotion of socialisation, autonomy and the improvement of functional and physical capacities that present a greater deterioration in patients affected by the pathologies on which it is focused (balance, rhythm, ability to respond to stimuli, problems of muscular rigidity). It will also provide an alternative to the physical and cognitive therapies that health specialists use in their daily work with these patients.

  • Start date: 01/01/2018
  • Technician/coordinator: Rocio Zaragoza
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