The main objective of the project SCREENRISK is provide to the industry integral pioneer methodologic tools for the risk analysis related to the usage of new technologies (TIC included) dedicated to child public, ensuring the creation of new quality recreational products that both are valuable toys and represent no risk for the health of the youngest/smallest.

Through a comprehensive analysis of the most used devices on the market, we will realise a thorough investigation of the behavioural and physical risks that a 2-6 years’ child may suffer using those technologic devices.

Among the specific objectives of this project, we found:

• Offer, to companies, tools to improve the design of their products, considering the new child user to whom they could be intended.

• Set up preventive measures to prevent potential risks in those devices, which are not fitted for an infantile public, when they are used by children.

• Define which technologic devices are the most used by 2-6 years children in Spain.

• Detect how they use those devices, what effects they presently feel and which potential effects the devices could generate in the future.

• Detect the physical danger that those devices presents for the child-user.

• Evaluate the behaviour risks that the use of those devices may generate for the target audience.

Realising this project, we pretend to respond to those questions, thanks to an examination work in the AIJU infantile security laboratory of the main electronic devices in the market.

As a result, we have obtained a guide of actions and recommendation for companies, parents, teachers and users in general.

In this guide, we indicate the European norms to consider during the development of TIC devices to ensure a healthy and safety use of those by 2-6 years children.

In addition, we include directives to ensure that the child will not be able to have access to the inside of the article or verify that all the “exterior” clothing of the device got curved edges and blunt corners.

Also, we include useful tips to avoid the abuse of TICs, for example, the recommended use of TICs by day for 2-6-years child.

At a general level, we recommend not to have a television device in child dormitory, to evaluate technologies age appropriate, determine time with and without technologic devices and limit the use of each device depending on its function.

  • Fecha de Inicio: Enero 2015
  • Duración: 12 meses
  • Estado: Finalizado
  • Financiación: IVACE, PROMECE 2015

Sectores de aplicación:

  • Bienes de consumo/Indumentaria.
  • Salud y calidad de vida
  • Procesos industriales
  • TIC

Áreas tecnológicas:

  • Tecnologías energéticas
  • Materiales composites
  • Tecnologías de los composites

Contacto Coordinador:

  • Nombre: Ruben Beneito
  • Telefono: 965554475
  • email:


