“The general aim of the project is to develop polymeric materials that contribute to improving thermal solar installations that are currently on the market, as these technologies have a wide margin for improvement. The use of these new materials would enable harmonising the integration of solar installation in buildings and towns, matching the urban landscape, and partially replacing conventional energy sources by renewables, reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The project, funded by IVACE (IMDECA/2013/6) and co-funded by ERDF funds, as part of the ERDF Operational Programme for the Region of Valencia 2007-2013, will be performed in collaboration with AIDICO and AIJU, both with wide experience in the sphere of installation, materials and processes. The synergies between the Institutes are key for the success of the project, which is forecast to have a major impact on the industrial fabric of Valencia, contributing to the revitalisation of the sectors involved.”
Start date: 01/01/2013