AIJU collaborated with the company ARTEMODEL, S.L. in a new project entitled “Development of a child’s article with ionising microcapsules for creating a feeling of well-being”, to develop a new series of projects that provide an anti-stress effect through the inclusion of microparticles by spraying that progressively release negative ions. These types of ions provide relaxing environments because they generate serotonin the brain, balancing mood and improving rest.
This initiative, financed by IVACE (Valencian Institute for Business Competitiveness) as part of the “Financial Instruments for Business Innovation Projects” (Report No.: IFINOA/2014/74) is to enable companies to obtain products with novel properties not found in the children’s products market and to promote products with similar features. The final result of the project will be the manufacture of various prototype articles (soft toys and gift items) with relaxing properties.
Start date: 01/01/2014