“The study of hazards and risks that compromise toy safety and footwear includes the probability of poisoning by substances harmful to health, including hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)), organic tin compounds, aromatic amines from azo dyes, formamide and formaldehyde. These toxic substances present in very common raw materials in both sectors, such as plastics and leather, can migrate from the consumer article to the consumer by absorption in various ways. In order to comply with current legislation and evaluate exposure to chemical substances from consumer articles such as toys and footwear, new methodologies are being developed to assess migration of Cr (VI), Cr (III), organo-tin compounds and formamide content in components of toys and existing methodology is being revised on aromatic amines and formaldehyde in leather materials to verify the safety of leather in the footwear sector. The project was co-funded with ERDF funds, within the ERDF Operational Programme of the Valencia Region 2007-2013”.
Start date: 01/12/2013