“The SENIORPLAY project aims to set the base for the development of video games of high therapeutic and preventative value that also meet the requirements of specific usability of elderly people. The results of this investigation will provide Valencian industry with information and resources that encourage the development of innovative video games for this group, encouraging the creation of new quality leisure products that, in addition to ensuring their game value, improve cognitive, functional and social skills of their users. The results and conclusions of the project will be reflected in an action guide for the companies. This guide will include recommendations obtained as a result of the investigation and will list key aspects such as priority intervention areas for these types of product, interfaces, more effective monitoring systems in the therapeutic and preventative context, most interesting themes, most suitable types of game for this group, accessibility requirements to take into account for design and development, etc. The publication of this guide and its dissemination in companies of the Region of Valencia will surely facilitate the development of successful video games directed at this group. The first year of this investigation will complete in 2011, and the total duration is forecast to be 2 years.”
Start date: 01/02/2011